We’re passionate about helping others live a life they’re proud of.



Meet the Team



This is my story.

I’m a helper – I was destined to help others in one form or another. Here’s how I became an advisor helping amazing people like you. I inherited money when I was 21 and have learned firsthand that 1. money doesn’t buy happiness, 2. more is not always more, and 3. prioritizing and planning are essential.

So I ventured into the world of money management, spending six years at a traditional advisory firm. I could see the value of my work, but continued to hit ceilings on the impact of client relationships. The need for a different kind of advisor with a different kind of business model became clear. This is what different meant to me.

I’m an open book. I’ll tell you how much money I make - just ask.

I wear t-shirts because they work.

I’m a 2 on the Enneagram. What are you?

I’m an advocate for mental health. No stigmas.

I prefer spectrums over binary thinking.

I put my wife, Kathleen, and son, Liam, first.

I’m a hugger – people describe me like a big teddy bear.



I can’t wait to meet you.

What lights me up more than anything is being able to help people achieve the things they want most in life. I believe anything is possible with the right skills, the right tools, and the right guidance. I believe that all people will thrive when shown a clear path to freedom - not only from financial insecurity but from all of the obstacles that stand in the way of progress. 

I joined Wayfinder because I wanted to be part of something bigger than just helping people “make ends meet”. Wayfinder is a different kind of financial advisory firm. We partner with our clients. We walk alongside you as you face big life decisions and big money decisions. Because the decisions you make today are critical in determining the joy you get to experience later in life. 

I love to connect with others and I am truly curious about who you are and what makes you tick.

What do you want to achieve and what is standing in your way?

Let Wayfinder help and let’s take the next big leap together.


I’m from Cleveland. I love Lebron. Sorry.

More about Wayfinder.

Relationships: The set it and forget it model doesn’t work. Like any diet, we’re all prone to get off course. That’s why we’re here – to help you define what matters most, reorient your finances to help you get there, and stick with you all the way when bumps in the road inevitably appear.

Conflict-free advice: Too financial advisors are incentivized to recommend certain products. It’s a win-win when that product is right for you. But when it’s not, well, that’s just not fair. So we offer a simple fee and conflict of interest free advice to every client and friend.

We limit our work to 40 clients per advisor. Ask us why.

I charge a flat fee based on your net worth - no commissions or %’s of accounts under management.

We are fiduciaries. That means we’re required to ethically act in the your financial best interests.

We love speaking to groups, too. Interested?


Not ready to reach out? We get it. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to get to know us.
